Soozs: Last light over the big house #latergram
Soozs: I've managed to talk Wil back from 'blazer' to 'reefer jacket'. Just as much work though!
Soozs: Contemplations. The girl has designed a 'statement' jumper and there's so many choices in the holst garn stash - it's rather bamboozling.
Soozs: Not yet blocked but I believe I may have got this made up sleeve right first time!
Soozs: It was a swatchy kind of day today.
Soozs: Now that Amy has lost her phone, it's up to me to post some food porn. Dinner.
Soozs: The big house at night. #parliament #workinglate
Soozs: Another cup of honey lemon thanks to @anniecuthbert I think I'm addicted!
Soozs: Creepy
Soozs: Distinctly sleeve like.
Soozs: Gig prep mode. No air in my lungs but my arms are still working.
Soozs: Mission accomplished @catherineneil
Soozs: The second machine knit cardi is now finished too - a more formal style with set in sleeves and a single snap closure. Knit with Avril yarns silk tsumugi and lace weight wool - about a 3-4ply in total. It's knit using a tuck stitch that looks a little lik
Soozs: Looking left looking right. Rain coming in #tramstop
Soozs: How impressive are these pills?! They look like stray threads!
Soozs: Found and attached my lovely buttons. Just in time for the pills to arrive. Two days of wear and it looks really tatty. Time for a shave already! For a very very expensive yarn this is pretty shabby.
Soozs: Who'd guess it's gluten free?
Soozs: Thursday baking straight out of the oven.
Soozs: The grandpa machine knit cardigan is finished! Well, I picked out buttons for it and they disappeared off my pin cushion so it's not finished really but I'm wearing it anyway. Knit in mad tosh pashmina. I'm awaiting pilling.
Soozs: It's a valid word, we just don't know what it means. That's a bit dodgy isn't it?
Soozs: It's very hard to see in these pics but this swatch has a sparkly metallic sheen. That's because it's knit with silk coated stainless steel filament. I bought this yarn a while ago because it's such an interesting use of material, with highly unusual and
Soozs: Team medal. So good to see him having a moment in the sun. #godragons
Soozs: Pockets? I think yes.
Soozs: Shoes that come with their own cleaning and care product 👍
Soozs: Just a wee lemon?! Holy smokes @anniecuthbert what do you feed this tree!! Thanks for the haul - I'm going to be enjoying a lotta lemony in the next little while!
Soozs: We cut the cake so when I blew out the candles I wasn't spreading cold germs all over the place. Delicious cake. All that lemon and ginger, it's practically medicine!
Soozs: Instagramming the instagrammer. Vitamin injection in a bowl - minestrone with pesto.
Soozs: I made myself a birthday cake after inspiration from @jenburn @larissamclaughlin @nigellalawson and @sampling_ah Just waiting on the bloke to arrive with lemons for the icing!
Soozs: The birthday cake had to be ginger, right?
Soozs: And look! My neighbour Totoro and his friend make an appearance on the stole!