Pilgrim Traveler: Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
Marcelus Gautama: Touch your nip
its Piank: self portrait
dik.hariadi: Body building
agung handoyo: the legend
brookeshaden: the dream that dares us
huscyendra: Colorful Boats In Line
brookeshaden: the sound of flying souls, part 1
Marcelus Gautama: DSC_1011 copy
Marcelus Gautama: terlupakan
Marcelus Gautama: DSC_0952 copy
Marcelus Gautama: clubtail dragonfly
Marcelus Gautama: DSC_7625 copy
Marcelus Gautama: DSC_7671 copy
Marcelus Gautama: DSC_8193_3
Marcelus Gautama: Ganis with doraemon
Rifqi.AdityaChandra: SAM_2937crop
Ade Sutan RB: IMG_6479
Ade Sutan RB: IMG_6481
Ade Sutan RB: IMG_6476
Ade Sutan RB: IMG_6474
ketutwisnu: IMGP7451
ketutwisnu: IMGP1679