sonomoha: zygaena filipendulae
sonomoha: fungi
sonomoha: papilio macaon
sonomoha: "thymelicus sylvestris" (Poda, 1761)
sonomoha: "Aricia agestis" (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
sonomoha: "anthocharis cardamines" (L., 1758)
sonomoha: Plebejus argus (L., 1758)
sonomoha: Anthocharis cardamines (L., 1758)
sonomoha: "maniola jurtina" (Linnaeus, 1758)
sonomoha: Birthday bloom
sonomoha: Moonshine and devine feminine energy
sonomoha: Low tide high spirits
sonomoha: What's golden
sonomoha: Nora
sonomoha: anthocharis cardmines
sonomoha: Anthocharis cardamines
sonomoha: Mouzna
sonomoha: demoiselle aux anges
sonomoha: By the creek
sonomoha: Jasmine, by the creek
sonomoha: give in...
sonomoha: Melanargia galathea ssp serena
sonomoha: "platycnemis pennipes" (Pallas, 1771)
sonomoha: Monsoon sorrow
sonomoha: Grace and wisdom
sonomoha: Anche fragile...
sonomoha: Polyommatus icarus
sonomoha: Palermo nights
sonomoha: Palermo nights
sonomoha: Melanargia galathea ssp serena