Sonja Coleman: new feeling
Sonja Coleman: drive them away
Sonja Coleman: ending without finishing
Sonja Coleman: mothers talk
Sonja Coleman: newclear
Sonja Coleman: againandagainandagain
Sonja Coleman: the gift
Sonja Coleman: runrunrun
Sonja Coleman: roman p
Sonja Coleman: partyup
Sonja Coleman: have fun living with your dad for the rest of your life
Sonja Coleman: can i borrow this?
Sonja Coleman: maybe it would be better if you
Sonja Coleman: they know how to hide it better, or something
Sonja Coleman: everybody still hates each other
Sonja Coleman: Perceptual Complements Design/Chroma Bridge
Sonja Coleman: Illusion of Hue Transparency Project
Sonja Coleman: Illusion of Hue Transparency Project - Rectangles (Panel Two)
Sonja Coleman: Illusion of Hue Transparency Project - Deer (Panel One)
Sonja Coleman: Hue, Tint, Shade Scale Project
Sonja Coleman: Hue, Tint, Shade Scale Project - Tint and Shade Scale (Panel Three)
Sonja Coleman: Hue, Tint, Shade Scale Project - Painter's Triangle (Panel One)
Sonja Coleman: Hue, Tint, Shade Scale Project - Printer's Triangle (Panel Two)
Sonja Coleman: Achromatic Value and Transparency Illusion Project - Achromatic Value (Panel 1)
Sonja Coleman: Achromatic Value and Transparency Illusion Project - Transparency Illusion (Panel 2)
Sonja Coleman: Achromatic Value and Transparency Illusion Project
Sonja Coleman: Masterwork and Modular Composition - Seven Values (Panel Two)
Sonja Coleman: Masterwork and Modular Composition - Original Masterwork (Panel One)
Sonja Coleman: Masterwork and Modular Composition - Three Values (Panel Three)