KazKuro: backlight / Little Egret
KazKuro: GRAB!!! -Osprey-
KazKuro: White eye @ Taiwan Cherry
KazKuro: DSC_6260_
KazKuro: Grey-streaked Flycatcher
KazKuro: "Walk Away" Black-tailed gull
KazKuro: Aome_abu 青目虻
KazKuro: Kamchatka Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus examinandus] オオムシクイ
KazKuro: WEB
KazKuro: Chinese egret (Swinhoe's egret) [Egretta eulophotes] カラシラサギ
KazKuro: Bar-tailed Godwit [Limosa lapponica] オオソリハシシギ
KazKuro: Brown-headed thrush [Turdus chrysolaus] アカハラ
KazKuro: - Sprout - Nikon1 V1 + AF-S 50mm f/1.8G
KazKuro: [Study moon] Nikon1 V1 + AI-S 600mm/F5.6
KazKuro: "the color of Spring" - Japanese Tit -
KazKuro: Long-tailed Rosefinch [Uragus sibiricus] ベニマシコ 紅猿子
KazKuro: Spring Field -Dusky thrush with wildflower-
KazKuro: Eurasian penduline tit (female) [Remiz pendulinus] ツリスガラ 吊巣雀 スインホーガラ
KazKuro: Oriental Greenfinch [Carduelis sinica minor] カワラヒワ 河原鶸
KazKuro: Varied tit [Parus varius] ヤマガラ 山雀
KazKuro: "the Bar" -taken with smartphone-
KazKuro: Daurian Redstart [Phoenicurus auroreus] ジョウビタキ Male,1st winter
KazKuro: Northern lapwing [Vanellus vanellus] タゲリ
KazKuro: -stretch- Common sandpiper [Actitis hypoleucos] イソシギ
KazKuro: Japanese Wagtail [Motacilla grandis] セグロセキレイ
KazKuro: "Between life and death" [Japanese Wagtail] セグロセキレイ
KazKuro: "explosive situation" [Osprey and Black kite] ミサゴvsトビ
KazKuro: Kestrel a go! [Falco tinnunculus] チョウゲンボウ、発進
KazKuro: Sparrowhawk [Accipiter nisus] ハイタカ
KazKuro: "Patterned eye" [Phytomia zonata] オオハナアブ