hikingfeels: Lazy rainy afternoon
kexplive: The xx
tinico_rosa: tinico-leolongo2
Thea Everett: FH000023
Leda A.: Inocência..
The 10 cent designer: sunset state beach California.
▣...RrrockeR▣: Merry belated Xmas!!!
DLevin: Watchers 4/5
gasperazzo: Aldeia Guarani Boa Esperança
Rafaell Magalhães: Bokeh Beer
Allison in Vermont: Thank Goodness.
Allison in Vermont: I'd Be Rich
Allison in Vermont: All's Quiet...
Emily D'Angelo: summer '10
vdepizzol: All those birds
waltërcin: Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires - Argentina
theaveragefish: I took the apush exam today, I do what I want.
Jessi L: 57/365 ; Make a Wish
jæms: Raindrop Prelude
Rafaell Magalhães: Manifesto Teatro de Rua
Rafaell Magalhães: Boipeba - BA
theaveragefish: You deserve each other, this hat and you, you're both so..Smart!