ordinaryfox.com: I was trying to daydream, but found only a door.
Jan Jespersen: The end of the Tunnel
yelovet00: Facing the Sunset
ordinaryfox.com: Sea Cabin Fever
Grizzlee Martin: 4th of July 2013 at Lake Eola Park in Downtown Orlando, FL
Vijce: Day 230/365
Justin Terveen: Red River Magic
It was the light, it was the angle: Birds and a Battleship
TwanK3: Guillemins 10
naturenev: Red Deer Stag
Nancy-D: The amazing Blue Angels *Explored*
naturenev: Red Deer Stag
Dylan Toh: Scything the Sand
justbelightful: Sky Drama
wuwei2012: I spy ...
H_H_Photography: An old haunt
Brent Schoepf: The Future
Brent Schoepf: The Future
morisako: 23100003
morisako: 75910007
robjamysan: DSC_0403
Stephen Fogg: The Milky Way and the Aggie Barn