Soffenoffe: 'Avatar' mountain
Soffenoffe: Fenghuang boatman
Soffenoffe: Liberty Island seagull
Soffenoffe: Ellis Island
Soffenoffe: Mani wall
Soffenoffe: 香格里拉古城
Soffenoffe: 飞来寺
Soffenoffe: Tibetan prayer flags
Soffenoffe: Kawa Karpo
Soffenoffe: Outside Linhua Temple
Soffenoffe: 莲花寺
Soffenoffe: 丙中洛喇嘛寺
BarryGeo: Somewhere in Kakheti
Such_Luck: hopefully the only substantial snow
er..jim: Cruddas
(Nicholas Mullany): another country
SoWiL(d): The "haunted" Valley (Chamonix)
SoWiL(d): Dream Factory
SoWiL(d): A Sunbeam has fallen
SoWiL(d): Labyrinth