Solifree: Crepúsculo Urbano
Solifree: Nem mais um passo...
Solifree: Voltando de Anapolis...
Solifree: P1070139
Solifree: I'm resting!
Solifree: God is love! An absolute truth!
Solifree: Oh, oh, if I catch you ...
Solifree: "Do everything with dedication and love always, keeping in mind that you should never prove anything to anyone."
Solifree: I think I'll skip...
Solifree: God be praised!
Solifree: Every day we should hear a little music, read a good poem, see a pretty picture and, if possible, say a few words of wisdom.Goethe.
Solifree: Nature has the power to transform the simple charming ... Andresa Martins Vicentini
Solifree: We learn to fly like birds and swim like fish, but do not learn to live together as brothers. (Martin Luther King)
Solifree: "When the bridge of dialogue is built on the foundations of trust and mutual respect, nothing can bring her down, and relationships will always be preserved."
Solifree: If the rose had another name still would smell as sweet. William Shakespeare - English Dramatist (Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet")
Solifree: "It's sad to think that nature speaks and mankind will not listen." (Victor Hugo)
Solifree: Who sees the beauty of life on the wings of a butterfly, or colors of a flower, you will know to appreciate what is human and preserve what is divine. Daiane Rabelo
Solifree: The secret is not chasing butterflies ... You take care of the garden so that they come to you.
Solifree: "Children need peace, parents, country and love".
Solifree: I'm so shy!
Solifree: I miss you mommy!
Solifree: Waiting on the world to change!
Solifree: Only looks good with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eye.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Solifree: Sweet moment!
Solifree: One of several ways to be see life!
Solifree: Oh my God, that cold water!
Solifree: Survival
Solifree: Parque Lago das Rosas - Zoo
Solifree: The Lord is my Shepherd!