Gary Grout Photography: Speed Skating
Paul B. (Halifax): Halifax Central Library gets the Green Light
bluegreenorange: Transportation
bluegreenorange: The Emirgrant
deanbouchard: The Kiss
J_Longmire: MacKay Bridge Portrait
bluegreenorange: Revenge Killed Mary Jane
Iguanasan: Framed in Light and Shadow
SteveProsser: Lomo film loading
Dan Louis: Highway.
Paul B. (Halifax): The Power Of Nature
wswood: IMG_2370
shutterbugmelb: Fall in Central Park
sailor_smb: Crossing the Angus L MacDonald Bridge
Coswrd: Zombie Entertainer
Paul B. (Halifax): F$%&ing Lego
Joe P Regan: Natal Day 2013
Paul B. (Halifax): Two Sides to Every Story
Nancy Rose: Elliston, Newfoundland
Nancy Rose: Elliston, Newfoundland
Nancy Rose: Portland Head Lighthouse, Maine
sconehead82: Hayers Garden II
sconehead82: Hayes Garden
Nancy Rose: Barrett 1926
SteveProsser: Employee satisfaction?