G Cullen: IMG_6673
G Cullen: IMG_6602
G Cullen: IMG_6608
Cynan Jones: Salt Print
Barbiejay2: SAM_9863
Joeyful~: Books sniffer
Taluula2two: RAINING
Cynan Jones: Diptych
Need A Haircut: shadow of a dog
SquidVW: Bluebell
jssteak: the couple
jssteak: am pickups
jssteak: stand together
zombiejohniecash: Oh Fabulous!!!
virtual_tony2000: Cardiff Bay Storm
virtual_tony2000: Millennium Centre - Cardiff Bay
chris.ne: Dancing In The Sunshine
Barbiejay2: Sleepyhead
Dr. Farhan: Bubble.......
Janet Marshall LRPS: Into the setting sun
Dr Steven Murray: Coltsfoot Seed Head
Barbiejay2: Cup-Cake
Cynan Jones: Richard Alwyn Jones
jim9311: Clouds and Branches
Jose F Sanchez: Old Bicycle
Mark Zuid: Peacock Butterfly