SofiaMinson: Tiki's neighbours... Art by @component and @bmdxgangs
SofiaMinson: A year after pasting up massive print of my painting of Tiki Taane on a wall in Teed St Newmarket... Looking worse for wear or just "seasoned"?
SofiaMinson: Been doodling on my phone case... A Maori manaia surrounded by Indian henna designs
SofiaMinson: About to wrap up this waka painting and heaps of others for 2 shows coming up in September
SofiaMinson: Currently painting a surreal world filled with giant Kauri trees and a bright turquoise sky
SofiaMinson: Pou at Kohukohu in the Hokianga aka Te Puna o te Ao Marama (the spring of the world of light) where Kupe first came to Aotearoa. Much inspiration for new paintings here :)
SofiaMinson: My 2013 World of Light calendar is available at whitcoulls and other book stores :)
SofiaMinson: Cool just seen my 2013 contemporary Maori art calendar in whitcoulls!
SofiaMinson: Who's just discovered Instagram and loves it? I do!! Ahem, better late than never. "The Streets" 1200 x 1800 mm Oil on canvas
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Maori Designs In Our Art – Appropriated or Legitimate?
SofiaMinson: Art meets autism to raise funds for “mircale” programme centre
SofiaMinson: Watch, Tolled Eckhart
SofiaMinson: When the soul lies down in that grass
SofiaMinson: Whirling Dervish
SofiaMinson: Tbilisi Streets
SofiaMinson: Sabire, Woman with Patience
SofiaMinson: Son of Tbilisi
SofiaMinson: Aotearoa's Evolution
SofiaMinson: Kahore He Pouri