Soar So: Ali Mountain, Taiwan
Soar So: Ali Mountain, Taiwan
Soar So: Wind & Rain
Soar So: The way to the harbor
Soar So: Ran to the future
Soar So: 黃昏的船 與 船的黃昏
Soar So: Indonesian home furnishings
Soar So: Cityscape
Soar So: Little Arc de Triomphe
Soar So: Little Arc de Triomphe
Soar So: Cityscape
Soar So: Inside, Outsidt
Soar So: Babel's Castle
Soar So: Bengal Restaurant
Soar So: Peony
Soar So: Dandelion
Soar So: I do not know what this flower? (Like poppies)
Soar So: Cherry
Soar So: Delicious seafood
Soar So: 白雪蓋不住的蘆葦
Soar So: Melancholy complex
Soar So: Times Square
Soar So: 紐約老街
Soar So: 當你與歷史上的某時間點不期而遇