soapdeligirl: diy-unicorn-poop-solid-sugar-scrub
soapdeligirl: diy-unicorn-body-glitter-with-unicorn-legs
soapdeligirl: diy-unicorn-glitter-butter4
soapdeligirl: diy-mermaids-lagoon-bath-fizzy4
soapdeligirl: manuka-rooibos-tea-toner-recipe5
soapdeligirl: manuka-rooibos-tea-toner-recipe4
soapdeligirl: painting-diy-cactus-soaps
soapdeligirl: diy-cactus-soaps5
soapdeligirl: diy-cactus-soaps
soapdeligirl: diy-cactus-soaps-web
soapdeligirl: diy-mermaid-shimmer-oil-in-hand2
soapdeligirl: fairy-glitter-gloss-recipe4-web
soapdeligirl: fairy-glitter-gloss-recipe2
soapdeligirl: fairy-glitter-gloss-recipe
soapdeligirl: moon-cake-bubble-bar-recipe-in-hand
soapdeligirl: diy-dog-paw-balm
soapdeligirl: honeybush-tea-pumpkin-seed-oil-salve-recipe
soapdeligirl: upcycled-trash-to-stamps
soapdeligirl: students-at-work
soapdeligirl: me-1st-art-wine-night-solid-backgroung
soapdeligirl: finished-diy-gelli-prints
soapdeligirl: bambi-using-diy-stamps
soapdeligirl: IMG_5287
soapdeligirl: IMG_5319
soapdeligirl: IMG_5320
soapdeligirl: glitter-banner
soapdeligirl: I have these really awesome #bottles that Lolea #wine comes in. I absolutely adore their white #sangria! The bottles are so amazing because you can reuse them. But I'm not sure what to put in them. What would you reuse them for? #upcycle #diyblog #diylife
soapdeligirl: Fight aging with this #easy hyaluronic acid serum #recipe! With as few as two ingredients you can help your skin to appear more youthful! This hyaluronic acid serum recipe creates an amazing #DIY #antiaging gel that hydrates skin, helps to fight antioxida
soapdeligirl: #Siri keeps messing up my dictation because I have a cold. (I swear it followed me from Vegas.) However, should you believe my boyfriend I actually have the #plague. I've been demoted to #airkisses and tv with Jasper (my super awesome #dachshund who care
soapdeligirl: Learn #howto make your own fun #DIY #spring sugar scrubs in #bunny and chick shapes for #Easter! Made from my original moldable semi-solid #sugarscrub #recipe these spring sugar scrubs are fun both in and out of the tub! Find out how to make them now at #