snowingindoors: Ez has carried this conker everywhere he's been the past 3 days. I think someone is a fan of autumn
snowingindoors: Bear themed lunch for Annie, bear sourdough bread, ham and pasta, carrot whiskers (do bears have whiskers?!) hummus & grapes
snowingindoors: My hope is that they're always this close.
snowingindoors: I love wooden takeout cutlery almost as much as I love 'leftover lunches'!
snowingindoors: Annie demanded we take the AT-AT out in the snow, 'just like Hoth' <3
snowingindoors: Hooray for snow!
snowingindoors: All bundled up in the gorgeous evening light at the park
snowingindoors: I love browsing the fruit & veg section of Whole Foods
snowingindoors: My 3rd run of the week, I knew if I left it any later it wouldn't get done today!
snowingindoors: The kids love to watch the washing machine #cutebutweird
snowingindoors: Meet Susan Succulent (I figured I'd be less likely to kill something with a name!)
snowingindoors: Is there anything cuter in life than toddlers in their parents glasses?!
snowingindoors: The end of my first run in about 17 years!! Thank goodness for the Couch to 5K app.
snowingindoors: I have a horrible habit of ruining frying pans so Jon bought me one of my own to ruin instead of screwing up his posh ones!!
snowingindoors: Make a wish
snowingindoors: Today: just Annie being Annie!
snowingindoors: We finally bought Annie a bedside table, she is over the moon with it, now she has somewhere for her lamp, torch, books and water.
snowingindoors: Enjoying an Ikea ice-cream cone in the car park before the long drive home
snowingindoors: Made me smile this year: Ez Bear learning to play hide & seek behind the curtains
snowingindoors: It was all too much for goofy!
snowingindoors: Happy Christmas Eve from us and Santa Darth Maul
snowingindoors: Joy is...a post-park hot chocolate
snowingindoors: Best day to date, meet snowman R2-D2
snowingindoors: Helping Daddy make banana bread
snowingindoors: One of my favourite decorations, a wooden reindeer we got when we visited Santa underground at Clearwell Caves last year.
snowingindoors: Annie's babychino, which she hated!
snowingindoors: A little post-babychino milk goatee
snowingindoors: We went to Whole Foods for breakfast burritos this morning so Annie insisted we have a hopscotch in the kids aisle afterwards!
snowingindoors: Our 1st attempt at a gingerbread (tent) house