snorrem: New stuff I got today; The letter 'S' & a deck.
snorrem: Ok, last one. Promise
snorrem: Making layers of lovely for shoot set
snorrem: I just had this great idea @saatchi_norway
snorrem: Teddy and his Teddy visiting @saatchi_norway
snorrem: Walking home
snorrem: My niese makes the most amazing cakes
snorrem: Somewhere in the middle
snorrem: Goodbye for now LA. You were warm and welcoming. I had a great time. Thanks
snorrem: Cecilie, Anna & Sten watching the Hollywood sunset
snorrem: Marino
snorrem: Marino
snorrem: Tuscan wedding
snorrem: Loving my new Prada bag
snorrem: 47th check in at OSL
snorrem: Finally got my Zanotta sofa delivered!
snorrem: Mission accomplished! Picked up #øya tickets
snorrem: Hundereds of thousand of people in The Rose March #oslove #norway
snorrem: Six finger photography #camera
snorrem: Slowly getting there. Looking forward to having a living room this time tomorrow
snorrem: Lassie looking dapper #magga30
snorrem: More back gards
snorrem: A completely 1337 moment on twitter
snorrem: Saatchi Pirate! Yarr..
snorrem: What a beauty
snorrem: Sceptical building is sceptical.
snorrem: #Lego me says; Let's add some colour!
snorrem: More shiny objects ganger out at #gullblyanten