sniggie: The night the Senate voted for no witnesses
sniggie: 'With malice toward none; with charity for all'
sniggie: Sunday morning sunrise
sniggie: Lines and ellipses, transit and station
sniggie: Contemplation of Justice statue
sniggie: Half-mast
sniggie: Moon over the Washington Monument
sniggie: Less soggy salad
sniggie: Through the Multiverse
sniggie: The highest court in the land
sniggie: The night the U.S. Senate voted for no witnesses
sniggie: Eyes of stone
sniggie: Yin & yang, checks & balance
sniggie: Behold what your ideals & efforts have wrought
sniggie: Lightness of being
sniggie: ‘I am bound to live up to what light I have’
sniggie: Dreaming of his palatial home
sniggie: Tube me away, with rose & lime on my mind
sniggie: After a long day, you still shine
sniggie: Union Station, D.C.
sniggie: "Clear the way for the Lord"
sniggie: From one Kentuckian to another — thank you
sniggie: White House
sniggie: A shining city on a hill
sniggie: Washington eyes Lincoln
sniggie: Inside the Washington Grand Hyatt
sniggie: Union Station, D.C.
sniggie: "Equal justice under the law"
sniggie: The mountain of Martin Luther King Jr., Brand New
sniggie: Mind trip