S Nic: Sod Twiggy....here's Wiggy!!!!
S Nic: T3904x2616-158
S Nic: Susannah and I go wig shopping
S Nic: The porn star
S Nic: Daddy
S Nic: Mummy...
S Nic: With the moo cows
S Nic: Neil
S Nic: Dorset coastline
S Nic: Piglet died :-(
S Nic: Don't get too close to the edge...
S Nic: Piglet when he was still alive
S Nic: Baldies together
S Nic: View from the top of the world 1
S Nic: View from the top of the world 2
S Nic: View from the top of the world 3
S Nic: I can see right ooop your nose!
S Nic: Wincey's bum
S Nic: Wincey's nose
S Nic: If you thought I was bald before...you thought wrong
S Nic: No make up, no hair but still hot ;-)
S Nic: Telling Daddy that I look coooool!
S Nic: Fully snipped
S Nic: Half snipped!!!
S Nic: Pony Tail anyone?
S Nic: The first cut
S Nic: Getting ready to snip
S Nic: My bad
S Nic: Updating my blog after chemo
S Nic: Girlies oot