Len@play: White Ibis
Len@play: Loggerhead Shrike
Len@play: Northern Harrier.jpg
Len@play: Red Fox
Len@play: Abstract
Len@play: Stewart Park, Perth, ON
Len@play: Code's Mill, Perth, ON
Len@play: Display of my photos at the Studio Theatre in Perth ON.
Len@play: Snowy Owl
Len@play: Crystal Palace Perth ON
Len@play: Fritillaria Meleagris
Len@play: American Redstart
Len@play: Black & White Warbler
Len@play: Cape May Warbler
Len@play: Slaty-tailed Trogon
Len@play: Turquoise-browed Motmot
Len@play: Green Violetear Hummingbird
Len@play: Blue Gray Tanager
Len@play: Sketch of a photo I took of the Lighthouse at Point Clark ON.
Len@play: Sketch of the lighthouse in Port Francis ON.
Len@play: RCMP Musical Ride
Len@play: Bald Eagle
Len@play: Pileated Woodpecker
Len@play: Northern Harrier
Len@play: Northern Harrier
Len@play: Snowy Owl - First one this season.
Len@play: Snow Geese
Len@play: Snow Geese
Len@play: Snow Geese cloud.
Len@play: Barred Owl visit. From the archives, April 2016