Stefano Barattini: DSC_7309©
sergioborsch: Bratislava worker)
sergioborsch: Vienna street dark side of the capsella
hanspartes: Guitar
lulythewitch17: Stonehenge, UK
andreatodoverto: Speranza
flavio.leone: Sposi "osservati" in Piazza della Vergogna
lulythewitch17: Tiger.... 😄 as the light break through winter not finished with us yet
andreatodoverto: Laboratorio
Dylan Toh: Take a hike
Loto.58: hover
camilla.cantarelli: Madagascar, 2008
fefo73: Cobras
vale3kit: UnA mUsiCa pUò FaRe
Jesse Estes: Guilin layers
winnu: IMG_4047-11
Bev Carpenter: Trimmimng up!
Giovanni Picuti, già Buferanera: Sibilla's ranch, con Vettore sullo sfondo
Mikko Lagerstedt: Night glow
AndersonImages: Eden by Michael Anderson
Jón Óskar.: Gleðileg jól. Merry Christmas.