Bright Green Pants: They are still growing. But slowly in the sand.
Bright Green Pants: Eating a pretzel and watching a movie
Bright Green Pants: San sebastian
Bright Green Pants: Cant find placemats? No problem! cover the table in butcher paper...
Bright Green Pants: Ghettostar galactica bookshelf. At least it was free:-)
Bright Green Pants: Itching to run around AMS
Bright Green Pants: In prison. BuT there is another spoo also in prison yay!
Bright Green Pants: Final one :O
Bright Green Pants: Noone lives here any more
Bright Green Pants: Sadness $ joy
Bright Green Pants: Investigating a grasshopper
Bright Green Pants: Should be a farmer
Bright Green Pants: Taking shape...