seaofclouds: @henrihelvetica’s Clarity 2017 talk on performance may have ended, but it did cast a pretty rad shadow.
jensnandi: IMG_20160303_1733451
illuminaut: Impact
illuminaut: Pigeons
illuminaut: Waiting for the surf
illuminaut: Drogueria Guatapé
holamateo: 365/96: Mundane Beauty (plastic lawn chairs)
Quasimondo: Sketchmaker Mutation Series 10 / 1
Quasimondo: Sketchmaker Mutation Series 9 / 1
ART+TECH: Robin in action!
Quasimondo: Brenda Putnam - Collage
ART+TECH: #fashiontech Masterclass
ART+TECH: Fashiontech masterclass
*davidz: Rainbow. Chicago
jessieduenas: Win #Adobe CS5 with CODAME May 12th FATC-Day2-12
kevintwohy: looking up
Ralph Hauwert: FDT / Frank
alan_ross: Flashbelt
alan_ross: Flashbelt