xoelle: #reallife - just in case ya'll thought that my last two posts were somehow representative of the current state of my life.
xoelle: I'm working on creating places in my home that are inspiring/motivating (like, "holy smokes I want to hang out in here and paint!") rather than annoying/life-sucking (like, "holy crap, there's too much for me to do and I don't know where to start so imma
xoelle: Helloooooo Friday afternoon. #cleanestroominthehouse
xoelle: Demolition derby! French fries! $1 rides! Fried cheese! Cotton candy! Ferris wheel!Caramel apples! I like food! Sorry laundry/dishes/bowties/sleepschedules, we found out the fair was in town.
xoelle: Yo summer, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish, but fall is one of the best seasons of all time. 🍂🍁🍎📓✏️ #hurryupsweaterweather
xoelle: 8 glorious years with this dude. There was construction going on at the #spokaneldstemple the day we were married so....that's why this picture exists?! Hahaha! He's been up for anything as long as I've known him- I even had him on board for officially
xoelle: I convinced her that I could make a cooler pet purse than the one we left behind at the store and then BAM!-- two hours later this @ikeausa pig-turned-purse seeeeeeriously upped her accessory game. #thenwemadebrownies
xoelle: I totally purchased this shirt just for the collar. 😍😍😍 #withabutterflycollar
xoelle: I think pretty wonderful things about the people around me but I don't always share my adoration with them- so I've been trying to give more genuine compliments when they come into my heart. I gave out a handful today and then someone told me, "you look
xoelle: This is the first time that I've been out of my pajamas for a week, so I thought that I should do my hair in double bows to celebrate. #midsummerblahs #pinkhair
xoelle: We went out in a downpour for brownie mix. ☀️☔️💦
xoelle: So..... I thought a show at the jersey shore would be tons of fun because the beach! the boardwalk! ice cream 20 feet away! So I convinced my husband to come with me and bring allllll the kids- and really it's just 8 hours of holding things down from the
xoelle: I am ready for #thebigfakewedding, yes I am. #bowtieworlddomination 💋💋💋
xoelle: In love with the @gramercymansion. Thank you @thebigfakewedding for a great evening!!! 💘💘💘. #thebigfakewedding
xoelle: I hope this little girl still thinks I'm cool in 10 years because to me, she will always be idol material.
xoelle: Giddy over these freshly printed business cards. I could design this junk up all day. #xoelle #xoellebowties
xoelle: Fox.
xoelle: Fox.
xoelle: Somehow I ended up kid-free in @ikeausa today? I'm still not sure what I did to deserve that- but, it was magnificent, even though the item I came for was #temporarilyoversold.
xoelle: Movie night back in Baltimore. My house is full of almost-finished projects like this disco ball that needs repair after the move a year ago- but I'm leaning back and enjoying this magic time of day with my kiddos (who have already spilled popcorn on my
xoelle: GEG ➡️ BWI. 3 tinies, 1 me. We're halfway through and everything is dandy. I have a secret weapon in my bag in case I act up. (It's a caramel apple.)
xoelle: So, apparently it IS hard to remove your mic when you're trying to storm off from an on-camera interview. Another step towards #bowtieworlddomination semi-complete thanks to @josbo26
xoelle: My childhood home is pure magic and I will always see it this way in my mind: lit with lanterns at dusk, littered with a dozen grandkids making a ruckus in the yard.
xoelle: ameristache. 💥💥💥
xoelle: Yeah, I will probably gram every @redrobinburgers bbq burger that I eat into the foreseeable future. #lauralovesredrobin #whiskeyriverbbqburger4ever
xoelle: I'm staying in the home that my parents have owned for almost 30 years for the last time this summer. I'm trying to soak up every last porch-sitting second and recall all of the sweet details of the holidays, weddings, and tedious working college years.
xoelle: Family reunion. 🐬🐠🐟 #enchantmentundertheseadance
xoelle: Hill Valley High School Co-Ed street basketball team, 1955 @spokanehoopfest #spokanehoopfest #hoopfest #tiniestshortsever
xoelle: My six year old just made a better dance poster than me in 1/32 of the time. I mean really, which dance would you rather go to?
xoelle: I drove the kids all over my hometown while the baby napped and they rolled their eyes as I got out of the car at important places to photograph myself jumping up and down. #yolo #almamater #eastvalleyknights