R Lunde: Boeing 787-10
R Lunde: Marchetti in the Mountains
Nigel Paine: Dassault Mirage 2000D. 3-XJ.
Nigel Paine: Spitfire MkII P7350. Hurricane LF363.
Nigel Paine: Supermarine Spitfire LF.IX. G-CICK / NH341.
Nigel Paine: Spitfire Mk IX. TD314 / G-CGYJ.
Nigel Paine: Spitfire Mk IX. TD314 / G-CGYJ.
Anson Chappell: That was a proud moment! If I had known that this award existed, I would have prepared a speech before coming to the Christmas party that night. Oh yeah, and I wouldn't have gotten shit-faced before trying to make said imaginary speech.
Adam Hill Photo: Solstice Loon
Nigel Paine: Supermarine Spitfire LF.IX. G-CICK / NH341.
Adam Hill Photo: What are you doing down there?
Adam Hill Photo: <untitled> 156
Adam Hill Photo: Under a winter aurora storm
Mathieu Dumond: Eyes on the prize-2137
marekeos: IMG-20170121-0254
Gerry McL: SCAN2017135FL
Adam Hill Photo: Great Gray Owl
AITW_EIC: JA873A_B789_CYVR_2017Jan04
R Lunde: Early Morning Bird Dog
CdnAvSpotter: Grey Cup
Jason Pineau: Ookpik Otter
Kevin Klingbeil: Robertson Headframe Demolition
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_9965
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_9907
www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca: Exercise COLLABORATIVE SPIRIT
www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca: Exercise COLLABORATIVE SPIRIT
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_2049
CdnAvSpotter: Air China 747 Liftoff
Adam Hill Photo: Shedding caribou
VRileyV: Lake Patrols (2016)