designHER Momma: Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 2.15.00 PM
designHER Momma: Baby Paul says he loves bitching with grandma. Yeah, you read that right.
designHER Momma: Hey kids, let's take a picture in front of this lighthouse.
AlisonSWLee17: Home - The boys
gretafunk: street 35mm iso200 f3.2 1-1600
AlisonSWLee17: Empty - Page
gretafunk: dream iso400 f2.8 1-1600
goaliej54: Through the Lens Thursday
AlisonSWLee17: 3 things - breakfast
gretafunk: 3 things2 iso 3200 f4.0 1-60
gretafunk: 3 things iso 3200 f4.0 1-60
AlisonSWLee17: Books-children's books
AlisonSWLee17: Books-close up
AlisonSWLee17: Together-Toddler and Ball
gretafunk: mix 2
gretafunk: bowl 1
gretafunk: self iso 800 f2.8 1-80 sec
gretafunk: self2 iso 800 f2.8 1-80 sec
AlisonSWLee17: Self - Belly
AlisonSWLee17: Looking down-holding hands
AlisonSWLee17: Hot-Flames
buildingblocks78: Reflection
angie.kinghorn: Movement