chappietam: Chafer
chappietam: The rising
Marcin Błoch: Gonepteryx rhamni
RJSchutDigitaal: Akkerhommel - Common Carder Bee - Bombus pascuorum
diegocon1964: Melanargia ines
Ian Redding: Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria) upperside
Ian Redding: Small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene) underside
Ian Redding: Fox moth (Macrothylacia rubi) male
Ian Redding: The drinker moth (Euthrix potatoria) amongst dead leaves
Ian Redding: Southern hawker (Aeshna cyanea) dragonfly with exuvia, head on
Ian Redding: Oncocera semirubella micro moth on sedge
Ian Redding: Thornback ray (Raja clavata) juvenile underside
Ian Redding: Leopard lacewing butterfly (Cethosia Cyane)
Ian Redding: St. Mark's Fly (Bibio marci) male
tasnenad: Green rose chafer (lat.Cetonia aurata)
tasnenad: butterfly
tasnenad: Anthocharis cardamines
tasnenad: European orchard bee (lat. Osmia cornuta) female
tasnenad: Togethering
tasnenad: Dotted Bee-fly (lat. Bombylius discolor) male
tasnenad: German yellowjacket, European wasp or German wasp (lat. Vespula germanica)
VenusTraum: Wer kennt diese exotische Blume?
enneafive: Happy Easter
enneafive: Foggy Morning Sun
tasnenad: Blister Beetle ( lat. Mylabris abdelkaderi)
tasnenad: Queen of Spain fritillary (lat. Issoria lathonia)
tasnenad: Scorpionfly (lat.Panorpa communis, male)
tasnenad: Giant robber fly (lat. Pogonosoma maroccanum) 4
tasnenad: Robber fly (lat. Choerades fimbriata)