cillínlyons: Gracefully Golden
Y PIXELS: Speechless.........
caminanteK: Laloubère (Hautes-Pyrénées, FR) - Le charme du colza au printemps!
Singer 晴哥: 五彩繽紛五漁村 Colourful & Wonderful
Singer 晴哥: 夜幕藍臨 The night comes with blue
multifaceted_m: Dreams will come true
Nature Photography (miracle): 船岡城址。櫻
stendol [L.B.W.L.]: Birds attack
Estrella Chuang 心星: Wisteria flowers ~ ASHIKAGA FLOWER PARK~ JAPAN~日本足利紫藤
Laurence Bouchard: Paper planes
hiroching: 流れの始まり
glaucomaglio5: "Un sogno sognato da soli è solo un sogno. Un sogno sognato insieme è una realtà"
Singer 晴哥: 威尼斯的淚,為你濕的淚 Tears of Venice
FotographyKS!: Nature has music for those who listen!
Lawrence Hutchinson: Harmonious Disintegration
Singer 晴哥: 山。海。觀 Overlook
一方天地: 羊頭山風景
一方天地: 華燈初上 薄暮時分
一方天地: 在南湖北峰等待夕陽
一方天地: 午後的阿里山森林
rcfed: butterfly
rcfed: pit dump art
naabe12: IMG_1684