babukatorium: Crochet Tree
solgrim: Lid
Geninne: Mural
Maze Walker: side by side
jwachh: dogg
knitalatte11: close proximity
Made by BeaG: Flower Brooches (Bloemenbroches)
retales botijero: ganchillismos
Ben Heine: Pencil Vs Camera - 35
eclectic gipsyland: Le Pillowcat !
ellblo: Granny McPhee Edging
renatekirkpatrick: Freeform Challenge 2010
bugsandfishes by lupin: Abstract Mobile WIP
rose hip...: how quickly does your stash grow?...
MizPrint: Jakob & Sara's
Maze Walker: stars 1
Maze Walker: anemone, field of flowers 1
rettgrayson: Babette-ish cushion no. 2
rettgrayson: African Flower Cushion
BahayKoobo: Joseph's Coat Quilt Along
Mundo a cores: Baby blanket
knittergalkate: summer flowers throw
LauraLRF: Finished Summer Garden Granny Squares Blanket at the sofa
Lisa-S: Evolution of a Quilt
Lisa-S: The Penultimate Colour
freeform by prudence: on LBYS wall
ArtMind etcetera: Granny squares in progress
peggybaxter1019: close-up of boutique flowers
joanieponytail57: Hole Punch Flowers ATC