SleepyHollowCrafts: scarf1 (2)
SleepyHollowCrafts: My new favorite red carrying case
SleepyHollowCrafts: WeirdFest table set-up at DevilStrip Dolly's in Akron, OH
SleepyHollowCrafts: Robin's Egg Blue Bird Cage Table Display with some of my latest craty wares.
SleepyHollowCrafts: WeirdFest Craft Show table Display by Sleepy Hollow Craft Company
SleepyHollowCrafts: Craft Show Table Display
SleepyHollowCrafts: Vintage Elements Jewelery
SleepyHollowCrafts: pretty one
SleepyHollowCrafts: Fawn Over Me Fascintor
SleepyHollowCrafts: Deer Me! Brooches
SleepyHollowCrafts: Vintage Trophy Toppers Wine Corks
SleepyHollowCrafts: Subversive Filigree Cuffs
SleepyHollowCrafts: Necklaces, Earrings and Matchbooks
SleepyHollowCrafts: She could have gone either Way...
SleepyHollowCrafts: blue deer brooch
SleepyHollowCrafts: Fawn over me Fascinator Hair Clip
SleepyHollowCrafts: Deer Me PInk Prize Badge
SleepyHollowCrafts: Yellow Deer Fascinator Headband
SleepyHollowCrafts: Blue Deer Headband