Christine Slaughter: Fabrics pulled for the #MSHBQAL.
Christine Slaughter: Pink! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: A better pic of the orange block, now that the sun is out! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Red!! Loving the #MSBHQAL !!
Christine Slaughter: 2nd orange block for the MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: 2nd red block. I didn't pay attention to how many blocks of each color I was supposed to do. Oops! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Green block #1 #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Green block #2 #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Lemon! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Gold! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Emerald! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Amethyst! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: 2nd purple block! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Blue! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: 2nd blue! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Blue-Violet! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Teal! #MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: Christine's finished MSBHQAL top
Christine Slaughter: Christine's Backing for MSBHQAL
Christine Slaughter: More jewel-toned colors!!
Christine Slaughter: Despite numerous kidlet errands/appts, I busted out a marathon sewing session and replaced all the rejected #MSBHQAL blocks. After laying them out tonight, I decided I need an extra row. However, tomorrow we are treating ourselves to a motorcycle ride to
Christine Slaughter: #MSBHQAL quilt top is finished!
Christine Slaughter: Color block quilt back for the #MSBHQAL quilt top. Now to baste & quilt!