Christine Slaughter:
Southwest Individual Quilt Con Charity Quilt
Christine Slaughter:
MQG Charity Quilt Option 3
Christine Slaughter:
MQG Charity Quilt Option 2
Christine Slaughter:
MQG Charity Quilt Option 1 Original design
Christine Slaughter:
Literally just finished the #vintagequiltrevival top! Now to design and make the backing! #modernsolids
Christine Slaughter:
I decided to use my favorite part of the Alexander Henry fairies fabric for the back of the #minidiscoquilt
Christine Slaughter:
The #minidiscoquilt is DONE! Mister came in and suggested a different binding altogether. Since the Ocean hue in #modernsolids is my favorite, I couldn't disagree. Sewing the binding on this mini was not the easiest to do, but i think it is ok. #hexnmore
Christine Slaughter:
Well, life got in the way, so I wasn't able to quilt this. But... You. Guys. It looks so awesome, if I do say so myself (and I do). I'm so in love with this! Now of to do the "mom thang". #hexnmore #discoquilt #minidiscoquilt #miniquilt #modernsolids
Christine Slaughter:
Got this far with the mini #hexnmore. I'm planning on gifting this... What do
Christine Slaughter:
Got the #skillbuilderbom2 Chevron Star and Churn Dash block quilted. #aurifil
Christine Slaughter:
Finished #skillbuilderbom2 Chevron Star/Churn Dash block
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Geometric Star.
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Exploding Star block. Only one block left to do! #modernsolids #modernsolids2
Christine Slaughter:
Finally finished the Sugar Block Club March for March #sugarblockclub2014
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Mosaic No. 8 block. Only two blocks left to do! #modernsolids #modernsolids2
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Star and Pinwheel block
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Cross and Crown block. #modernsolids #modernsolids2
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Double Windmill block #modernsolids #modernsolids2
Christine Slaughter:
Decided to nix the zippers. It was too cluttery for me, and I was worried about getting starch overspray on them since my ironing station is right in front. Now I have to fill the blank spaces with thread. #aurifil #aurilove
Christine Slaughter:
Close up view #aurifil #aurilove #mrfixitrocksmyworld
Christine Slaughter:
Mister finished my thread "rack"! I helped by turning the ends of the dowels with the belt sander, so I could hang my bobbins with thread. I ended up using the empty dowels to organize my zippers... Until I fill them with more thread. #aurifil #aurilo
Christine Slaughter:
OMGosh. OMGOSH!! @jessicaquilter I just got my PIF... WOW!!!! It's stunning ! I live it so much, and so does hubby! He said, "You know, I wouldn't mind if you left out on our coffeetable... it's beautiful." So on our coverage is where it is staying. I wan
Christine Slaughter:
Bye Bye Love Bag
Christine Slaughter:
Back of Bye Bye Love Bag
Christine Slaughter:
Bye Bye Love Bag
Christine Slaughter:
Part one... the thread cones... is finished. Complete with nails to add a bobbin with the thread, if necessary. Thanks Mister! Part two will probably be later in the week. Once he starts a project, he's like a dog with a bone! #mrhandyman #mrfixitrocksmyw
Christine Slaughter:
All done! I asked him to run the lights from right behind the presser foot bar, across the top, and down the side. It still loiks a bit pimped out, but I LOVE how much it lights up my harp space now. ##pq1500s #mrfixitrocksmyworld #led
Christine Slaughter:
I showed Mister the blog post of the cool led lights and told him the set was only $30. He scoffed at me, and 5 minutes later he is now fitting some led's to my machine. I told him continuing the lights up the side makes it look like he's pimped it out...
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Tilted Star
Christine Slaughter:
#vintagequiltrevival Wheel of Fortune block. I realized far too late that I switched my colored A & B pieces, so my block colors are going counter clockwise. Grrr! Not gonna fix it though. I already spent all afternoon on one frickin block! #doneisbettert