Vince_Adam Photography: Male Rufous-collared Kingfisher (Actenoides concretus)
Vince_Adam Photography: Oriental Pied Hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
Vince_Adam Photography: Black-capped kingfisher (Halcyon pileata) spotted during our mangrove boarlt cruise
iwona_podlasinska: The beginning (journey)
筱山青作 oldlens slow photo: LOMO KMZ PO2-2M 75MM F2 M42+NIKON
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 夕陽雲彩
OpenLam: DSC09058-编辑
OpenLam: DSC09092-编辑
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 昆陽 夕彩
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 武岫農圃
Taiwan's Riccardo: 永貞宮_7 (Explored on Nov 17, 2018)
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 武岫農圃
fernandezekiel: IMG_7587
luisotespi68: Orchis champagneuxii
Nicholas Ancell: Meyer trioplan 100mm f2.8
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 黑翅蟬 Huechys sanguinea (De Geer, 1773)
truecolor1980: LOMO J-53 75/2 (kino projection lens)
Joseph Lu.: IMG_1945-Edit
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 螢火蟲 firefly,Lampyridae
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 香茶巷 櫻花
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20151224DSC_4128_馬拉邦山
Tom Liang: 風起雲湧 @ 雲洞 _ Sea of cloud @ Sanyi / MiaoLi County
MaNgO22: 305th Days
Steve Byland: Canon 7d Mark II - ISO 4000
MaNgO22: Let the music heal your soul
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20140201DSC_5854大城小麥
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20140216DSC_1843
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20140216DSC_1943