sara-hare: file under: beautiful things I have seen
Ruthinit: Folding chairs
wilson hughes: Snow and lots of wind today.
stevenoldak1: Thank you dear, friends
ranmen44: Tree Shadows & Reflections
wilson hughes: Hiver, 04/20/2023-01/24/2025
kaumpphoto: Smear Chartreuse
Bill Morgan: I want that one
Bill Morgan: Global Work
Wayne(小文): John Hancock building and the Trinity Church
Vickie Lacharité: Route de Normandie
On the bell: The water level route
walterjeffords: Doughboy Park
Rafa Gallegos: Edificio de Correos / Post Office Building
Rafa Gallegos: Torre del Fadrí / Fadrí tower
Francesco Fabbro: Le tre sfere...
Glos Wolf: Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba) (juv)
Glos Wolf: Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
Glos Wolf: Reflections on the River Severn
Glos Wolf: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
grampato5: These boots are made for working!
Sandor_Somkuti: Kärntner Ring, Wien
Sandor_Somkuti: Spectacled bear, Brillenbär (Tremarctos ornatus)