Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 01.58.41 landrovers
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 01.31.59 museum
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 02.05.05 coach built
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 02.03.51 superb
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 01.53.12 museum van
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 01.36.20 heavy roller
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 00.37.07me at the seazoo
Shell collector1:
2007-01-24 23.32.11 anemone at the sea zoo
Shell collector1:
2007-01-25 00.18.23 A Moray eel
Shell collector1:
2007-01-24 23.40.09 A Happy Squid
Shell collector1:
2007-01-24 23.31.53 Octopus
Shell collector1:
2007-02-01 01.05.19 a tyrivia monarcha found at shell island
Shell collector1:
DSCF1866 the worlds oldest tree ,the dragon tree
Shell collector1:
DSCF1780 side street los christianos
Shell collector1:
DSCF1776 across the harbour
Shell collector1:
DSCF1756 some thing fishy goin on
Shell collector1:
DSCF1727 I liked the lines
Shell collector1:
DSCF1711 another dark sunset in Tenerife
Shell collector1:
DSCF1833 inside the volcano
Shell collector1:
DSCF1793 sunset at the beach
Shell collector1:
DSCF1778 security
Shell collector1:
DSCF1762 sunset from the playa la arena
Shell collector1:
DSCF1728 mixed sky cnat make its mind up
Shell collector1:
DSCF1808 los christianos
Shell collector1:
Shell collector1:
Shell collector1:
Shell collector1:
Shell collector1:
Shell collector1: