Buddha's Ghost: Slash the Skies
Kiwi-Steve: Three is not a crowd.
Hard-Rain: Least Bittern - Anahuac NWR
TexasEagle: Anole Dewlap Display
TexasEagle: Assassin Bug On Indian Blanket
jimgrayimages.com: oh, Dad! you're so good to me....
mojavegirl: We read that the UP 844 is back in place
Bart Hardorff: strange feet? (explored)
hvhe1: White Angel
Steve Byland: Bluebird and Apple Blossoms
Turk Images: Snowy Owl
dlholt: Golden Years
hvhe1: Beautiful Sunbird
starc283: babysitter
FreeSpirit5: My Best Side
coach48: Saturnia pavoniella ( maschio )
Vicki's Nature: mating Stream cruisers in the loropetalum
raineys: Fly Fishing!
cadviodi: African bush elephant having a bath
Buddha's Ghost: Hanami (花見)
J Bespoy Photography: A Little Flora and Fauna
Buddha's Ghost: Mono no Aware (物の哀れ)
TexasEagle: Bluebonnets - Sugar Ridge Rd.
jcowboy: I AM BIRD
no thneeds needed: Mycteria americana
Wes Aslin: Red on Gold