qualeemail: mercedes
qualeemail: Leitz Elmar 50mm 3.5
qualeemail: City Trip with Leitz Elmar 50mm 3.5 #2
qualeemail: City Trip with Leitz Elmar 50mm 3.5 #1
qualeemail: The Flight and the Waves
qualeemail: The Rainbow and the incoming Storm
qualeemail: Storm ... like a painting
qualeemail: Blue Marina
qualeemail: The storm color
qualeemail: summer weather !?
qualeemail: Kind Bear
qualeemail: Solitary Sea
qualeemail: Sunset seaside
qualeemail: Sea Sunset
qualeemail: ...the party?
qualeemail: Mont Blanc Mountains
qualeemail: vintaged
qualeemail: Glacier
qualeemail: Clouds & Mountain
qualeemail: The river
qualeemail: bottles
qualeemail: Milk Tree
qualeemail: Flowers and Rules
qualeemail: Berries
qualeemail: cloudy sky
qualeemail: Blue Time - 02 -12
qualeemail: Pink explosion
qualeemail: non common type of rose: so I shot ;)