Felina Photography - www.mountainphotography.eu: Glacier Cave - Buone Feste a tutti! :-)
123_456: 20241129_5399
annickclaes1: Col de la Loze
jaypolkest: monterosso - The Cave of Deep
Felina Photography - www.mountainphotography.eu: Jungfernsprung - Kärnten - Österreich
Felina Photography - www.mountainphotography.eu: Laghetto Baita Segantini - Trentino-Alto Adige - Italia
Felina Photography - www.mountainphotography.eu: Sentiero delle Forcelle / Schartensteig - Veneto/Trentino-Alto Adige - Italia
Felina Photography - www.mountainphotography.eu: Campolungo - Ticino - Svizzera
bert 1979: 2017-4 uitstap vrv tuin geert borgonje
bert 1979: 2017-4 uitstap vrv tuin: de Gentiaan
bert 1979: 2017-4 uitsap VRV tuin: Jan Lubbers
bert 1979: Wandeling kalkgraslanden belgie (vrv) (7)
bert 1979: 20160804_121726
123_456: pan_150421_001
betazohide: DSC01208
betazohide: DSC01393min
123_456: 150225_013
123_456: 150124_024
alex54.humbert: DSC_0141
Skieur_VT: Doron
bert 1979: DSC06393_Meer Tête Ronde
123_456: 140209_024