Paul Keller: Sea Kayaking
Paul Keller: Paul
Paul Keller: The Future is Stupid (3)
christopheradams: Timothy Vollmer
Paul Keller: Manouche man (1)
Paul Keller: Awali river valley
Paul Keller: Paul + the ram
Paul Keller: Dust vs Alfa Romeo (2)
Kennisland: Maarten & Lisette
Nasir Khan Saikat: Creative Commons Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2016 (3)
eric.persha: Celebratory "we just bought a house" drinks + ramen.
Joi: Crescent moon through branches
cckorea: IMG_2794
gruntzooki: Alison Macrina celebrates getting tweeted at by Edward Snowden with Spanish Cava at State Park, Cambridge, Mass, USA
MollySVH: Photo credit: Instituto del desporte de Aguascalientes
ryan.merkley: Garibaldi Lake Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada.
Kennisland: Publiek
cristinabe: primer dia en cuba
cristinabe: primer dia en cuba
cristinabe: primer dia en cuba
cristinabe: primer dia en cuba
cristinabe: primer dia en cuba
davidsbill: Whaaaaat? The line is around the damn corner. I'm near the door and am still a 30 min wait after they open at 11am. #poundofpulledpork #poundofbrisket
Paul Keller: momofuku fried chicken with ginger spring onion noodles
Paul Keller: Aubergine Pahi with steak and rice
sameerhalai: Never thought I would ever say this, but the new #Mumbai #airport is the most beautiful, blissful airport I've ever been to. It's filled with 7,000 pieces of #art, India's largest public art program. If you plan to fly out of Mumbai, give yourself an extr
sameerhalai: Beautiful rolling mountains in Rwanda. Every patch of earth is cultivated. Flew a #drone over a valley to get this vantage point #rwanda #africa #noebola #terrace #mountains #green #dji
gruntzooki: Read a fucking book tee, Red Emma's, Baltimore, Maryland, USA