visibility experiments: Apologies for breaking character. I do know there are loads of UX folks on Instagram. I'm on the hunt for something other than type at the moment. I'm looking for a talented UX Architect to join my team in Columbus, OH at DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse).
Swifty: The Stompology Show - Stompology X
MidwestUX: MWUX14 Thursday Workshops
lynn dombrowski: Paper editing & latte @ four barrel
verbistheword: Building the World's Visual Language @simplescott #ias13 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Designing for Failure @drys #ias13 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Instructions for the IA Summit Sketchnote Kit
verbistheword: Sketchnote Kits at IA Summit
Benjamin S Norris: Sketchnotes from SCORE Webinar
verbistheword: How to Become a Myers-Briggs Expert, with Penelope Trunk @penelopetrunk
UXcrank: ixda2010_2
ursonate: black at conferences...
jessabean: Refresh DC - Jim Lane
Dylan231: Math Dances
erinmhawkins: Sketchnotes + Doug March
chrisbasham: Upon the apocalypse, my safe haven is my @Vibram5Fingers fort in the back of INRunCo. #RedEyeRelay
evalottchen: Rainer Gibbert: User centred Design at XING @ UX Camp Europe
Mike Rohde: Storyline Conference 2011 Sketchnotes: 43-44
jake causby: My sketchnote from Richard Buchanan's #ixd11 keynote
UXcrank: whynovisualcollaboration
chrisbasham: "No sleeping in this building." #hcid #RiteOfPassage
grantcarlile: John Wayne
grantcarlile: Chris Basham
yahnyinlondon: Kate Rutter - Design Patterns for Fantabulous Collaborations
verbistheword: What is a UX personality?
fueledbycoffee: IFVP 2008
Carolyn_Sewell: PTMPeeps_028
kateruttr: The Creative Culture Blueprint [color]