Siriomi: Leah Buley's "UX Team of One"
Siriomi: UX After Hours - "10 Tips for Leading a Successful UX Project" - Derren Herrman
Siriomi: Dino Post-It
Siriomi: Readyforce presents Hacker Tour 2012
Siriomi: Readyforce presents Hacker Tour 2012
Siriomi: Siriomi Services
Siriomi: So you want to be a swing dance dj
Siriomi: Tony Schwartz's "The myth of the Overworked Creative"
Siriomi: GSI Event - Influence Online Buyers led by Sucharita Mulpuru and John Sheldon
Siriomi: Really liked the handwriting I played with for this one
Siriomi: He followed the rules, but we opened gifts early :) just wanted to show my "wrapping" job
Siriomi: for Zevenr
Siriomi: for Onthebeach
Siriomi: Fiverr Commission