Miss_Poulain: colours of life.
Miss_Poulain: Oye, te extraño.
Miss_Poulain: when the sun goes down...
Miss_Poulain: al fin del mundo por favor.
Miss_Poulain: People are strange when you're a stranger.
Miss_Poulain: sálvese quien pueda.
Miss_Poulain: because she is part of me.
Miss_Poulain: lucha de gigantes
Miss_Poulain: allí donde solíamos gritar.
Miss_Poulain: So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Miss_Poulain: times are hard for dreamers
Miss_Poulain: Berliner Mauer
Miss_Poulain: Tempelhofer Park
Miss_Poulain: no sólo respirar es vivir.
Miss_Poulain: hallå, Sverige!
Miss_Poulain: la felicidad es un té contigo.
Miss_Poulain: paper dreams, honey.
Miss_Poulain: it hurts...
Miss_Poulain: the sounds of silence.
Miss_Poulain: el mismo que un día sueño y vuelvo a recorrer.
Miss_Poulain: escalofríos nórdicos.