Fraser C:
A gift. Yes, it's a unicorn farting out a rainbow. #victoria #unicornfarts #unicorn #rainbow #yvr
Fraser C:
The view up here is nice. #victoriabc #yyj #observatoryclimb #centroftheuniverse #bikeride
Fraser C:
I like my bike. #caleido #cinelli #mash #campagnolo #bike #victoriabc #beautiful #ishouldslamthatstem
Fraser C:
Drunk octopus wants to fight me again! I keep finding them #octopus #fight #yyj #stopstaringatme #iwasthedrunkone
Fraser C:
I'm sure this is old to most people here but this really is a bizarre/funny piece of art. #upvote #reddit #art #victoriabc #metal
Fraser C:
Drunk octopus wants to fight you. I found him in my bathroom! #vancouverisland #victoriabc #octopus #drunkoctopus #funny