Marser: cosmos '18 #3 (Houki-ji temple, Nara)
KevinChan1005: Live Life Happy: I no longer search. The things that are meant for me, will always flow to me. I will never need to force it or change myself to attain them. – Billy Chapata #lifeisajourneynotadestination #印尼蘇門答臘 #temukanindonesiamu #berastagi
KevinChan1005: Life in the Tree House: Samut Prakan 慢生活。 在寧靜的樹林中醒來、或者入睡。早餐後可以沿著河岸騎車。晚間可以搭船出去河岸看螢火蟲。 給自己一段慢漫時光。這樣很好。 Savor Simple Pleasures in the Village of Samut Prakan. Loving it。#bangkoktreehouse #samutprakan #samutprakarn #slowlifetrip #travelgram #ilovethailand #慢生
kelvolution (偉傑): seldom on Flickr nowadays ... but, will still be active over at Instagram ... same username
KevinChan1005: 「用智慧将平实的生活过得精致: 生活可以简陋,但却不可以粗糙。」
euyoung: Life with RX1 | 74
KevinChan1005: The Parthenon, Athens | Παρθενώνας: 帕德嫩神殿 | 帕特農神殿 — 興建於公元前5世紀的雅典衛城,是古希臘奉祀雅典娜女神的神廟。 是的,我在神殿裡實地觀察過,也參加過 Acropolis博物館的詳細解說。幾天之後,反而在這個雅典的後花園,遠觀 —— 卻看到了她距離之外的美。喜歡。 謝謝帶我們來這個後花園的希臘美女 Katia。 Yes, it is indeed amazing! The former temple on the Athenian Acropolis,
Larivoltametafisica: Variazioni a Manerba
kelvolution (偉傑): me being thick-skin
KevinChan1005: Will you?
Kyle.Thompson: Frail Moth
kelvolution (偉傑): here from yesterday till tomorrow for work
KevinChan1005: Eating Crab n Crawfish! Cajun style! 我最喜愛的 Cajun 海鮮料理。吃前來一張,要不然一下手,滿手滿桌都是 messy 的醬料! #seafood #cajun #海鮮
kelvolution (偉傑): 1 day to christmas ... may everyone be healthy and happy always
kelvolution (偉傑): happy friday
Ryan saga: 未來之珠
stardex: Glory of Century
kelvolution (偉傑): me @ brighton beach
kelvolution (偉傑): selamat hari raya & happy holidays