里卡豆: 喵喵不要跑|Cat
AndreaPucci: "Parental Control" (Mont Orgueil Castle, Jersey, United Kingdom)
wentloog: Stormy Porthcawl
ladigue_99: Bowling Ball Beach, Gualala, CA
Brady Fang: Converging
billymok: _1200323
Joel Robison: Finding Little Moments
Sappho et amicae: Moment when the sun wins fog
floralgal: A Rocking Christmas
ladigue_99: Los Castillos
floralgal: The Last Light
billymok: _1200277
billymok: _1030332
frata60: Autumn 2015
The Digital Story: Flamingo with Water Droplet
joka2000: Venus and Moon
H.L.Tam: Potsdamer Platz. Berlin
Mike Boening Photography: Detroit on the Move
geospace: Sagrada Familia 3
miriam ulivi - OFF/ON: Parco di Timanfaya ( 3 ) ... un'immagine vale più di mille parole ...
Jackpicks: The fun goes on
geospace: Plaza de Espana
ginger_starlette: Macro d'automne
里卡豆: 合歡山 台灣 Taiwan|E-M10 Mark II MKII
里卡豆: 七星潭 台灣 Taiwan|E-M10 Mark II MKII
Sappho et amicae: River Gradac, near City of Valjevo
Digi Hank: human scale