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albums of Simon Oosterman
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Chicken vigil
SFWU Living Wage Auckland launch
MWU Horotiu locked ends
Blockade the Budget letter protest
AAAP Langholm protest (2012) extras
Asset sale march 2 (2012)
Blockade the Budget Symonds st occupation
National Party conference welfare protest (2012)
National Party conference welfare protest (2012) extras
Show and tell (2012)
Show and tell 2012 (extras)
Progressive (best)
Save our port (best)
Talley's Affco (best)
Strumming in darkness (other)
Laila and Barry's wedding anniversary
Laila and Barry's wedding anniversary (Good)
Pauline's wedding highlight
Strumming in darkness
2012 03 15 - MWU picket in Wiri
Rosie's birthday
2012 04 15 - Ngaruawahia community day
2012 04 14 - Whanganui rally
2012 03 12 - MWU picket in Whanganui
AFFCO Rangiuru
Best of Elmwood strike
Photos for picketters
Port of Tauranga solidarity protest
AFFCO Horotiu solidarity strike with locked out workers
Alternative Elmwood strike photos
MUNZ Local 13 Strike: Day 3 of 21 day strike
MUNZ Local 13 Strike: Day 1 of 21 day strike
I love whafies
Leafletting for SaveOurPort.com
Socialist Worker Fist
Unsorted subverts
Co-opting the cops co-opt
Learning to tilt shift
Wharfies vote to start work ban in 14 days
Occupy Auckland rally on day 99
99% Pure Occupy New Zealand
Ports of Auckland Subvertising
Ports of Auckland stock photos
MUNZ strike 12 01 2012
Occupy Auckland (Best)
Occupy Auckland Places
Faces of Occupy Auckland
Forest and park
All black block vs 1%
Anti-Budget Cuts March - 28 May 2011
EPMU rally at Telecom AGM
Cave in Segada
Nissan Workers
Nestle workers
Far North Holiday
Pauline and Sam's Wedding
One Day For Holidaying
May Day 2008
Smokey Mountain II
Youth rally
Filipino women working and beggin
KMU hosts and friends
International Womens Day in Manila, Philippines
Auckland Bunnings HQ Stop Work
Titirangi house
Robbie Magasiva gets a new tatoo
Myers Park Music in the Park
Ingrids Birthday
1 Dec - Never Again
Labour Party Conference 2007