stavrosstam: DSC08967=stavrosstam
chrisfriel: 190318/2
chrisfriel: 200318
stavrosstam: DSC04896-stavrosstam
Mark Littlejohn: Stac Pollaidh
chrisfriel: calais #98
Simon Ashmore: St Mary's Graveyard
chrisfriel: calais #196
bob:davis: a wiltshire hill top
chrisfriel: 160218
bob:davis: hybernating snails
chrisfriel: infinite jest #51
chrisfriel: infinite jest #164
Mark Littlejohn: Stac Pollaidh and Tree
bob:davis: neolithic standing stone and bronze age round barrows
chrisfriel: pett #83
chrisfriel: pett #107
chrisfriel: shadow #29
chrisfriel: 080218
chrisfriel: 100218
Valerie Kabis: blackcoffee
bob:davis: tyne, 6 to gale 8
Mark Littlejohn: First Light: The Road to Yewbarrow
stavrosstam: DSC07911-stavrosstam
bob:davis: north sea, breaking wave in november light
chrisfriel: father #8
bob:davis: three herring gulls over the rainbow and between the wave and the lighthouse
chrisfriel: father #13
chrisfriel: father #12