ilarius: Scoiattolo comune ( o Scoiattolo europeo ) - Red Squirrel - Ecureil - Eichhornchen - Ardilla comun ( Sciurus vulgaris )
flaviobergo: IMG_5352 mantide religiosa (Mantis religiosa)
Oleg Chernyshov: Ruddy Kingfisher
Teone!: Limostretching
robertofurlan: DSC_2949 torcicollo , jynx torquilla ts , Cona giugno 23
BingleymanPhotos: Spot the difference
BingleymanPhotos: Spot the difference
DorianHunt: I belive I can fly!
margit-luitpold2005: aquila di mare, white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla ..
Rolando CRINITI: Passero solitario _013
BingleymanPhotos: Spring things
The Treerunner: Wheatear
margit-luitpold2005: bright billed roller, botswana ..
Teone!: Sordone
robertofurlan: DSC_9788 fiorrancino tdn Cona regulus ignicapilla Febbraio
ASTROGUFO (Carlo Rocchi): C 2022 E3 ZTF (luminance only)
robertofurlan: DSC_9443 padri e figli , cigni minori , cygnus columbianus Terzo d'Aquileia
milovancevic.tanja: Posle kiše... / After the rain (Crepidotus variabilis)
marianna armata: Silence = broken
flaviobergo: IMG_3426 cesena (Turdus pilaris)
Teone!: Fly high fly free
flaviobergo: IMG_0065 spioncello (Anthus spinoletta)
The Treerunner: Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, male
Sigurd Krieger: Micro Forest
flaviobergo: IMG_5052 fringuello alpino( Montifringilla nivalis)
BradSimsPhoto: Water Lilies. Lake Maumelle, Arkansas. 2022.
S.Hatch: Black redstart
BingleymanPhotos: The Afterglow