silviabak: 1_IMG_4990_Meeting in Marblemount Ranger Station for the Permits_Photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 2_IMG_20240808_180156_503_Thornton Lakes Trailhead, getting ready
silviabak: 3_IMG_4997_Ivy and I starting on the Thornton Lake trail_Photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 7_IMG_20240808_204225_802_Me picking blueberries on the Thornton Lake trail
silviabak: 8_IMG_20240808_204229_351_Me picking blueberries on the Thornton Lake trail
silviabak: 9_IMG_20240808_204231_383_Me picking blueberries on the Thornton Lake trail
silviabak: 11_IMG_20240808_205155_843_John and Ivy on the Thornton Lake trailhead high point and views of Mt Triumph in the background
silviabak: 13_IMG_20240808_210659_251_First Thornton Lake
silviabak: 14_IMG_5009_Blocky scramble to get down to First Thornton Lake_Photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 15_IMG_5010_Blocky scramble to get down to First Thornton Lake_Photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 16_IMG_5011_Blocky scramble to get down to First Thornton Lake_Photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 17_IMG_20240808_213730_185_First Thornton Lake
silviabak: 18_IMG_5018_Me arriving at second Thornton Lake with bivy gully on the opposite site of the lake_Photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 20_IMG_20240808_223812_968_Arriving at second Thornton Lake
silviabak: 20b_VID_20240808_223718
silviabak: 21_IMG_20240808_224351_174_John looking for clean water at the outflow of second Thornton Lake
silviabak: 22_IMG_20240808_225114_485_Arriving at second Thornton Lake with bivy gully that we have to go up to
silviabak: 23_IMG_20240808_225638_091_John and Ivy enjoying the water at second Thornton Lake
silviabak: 25_IMG_20240808_225826_768_John skinny dipping in second Thornton Lake
silviabak: 25_IMG_20240808_234222_146_Second Thornton Lake as I am heading up the gully to the bivy site
silviabak: 27_IMG_20240808_234238_855_John and Ivy tiny specs in the distance, heading to the gully to go to the bivy site
silviabak: 31_IMG_20240809_003432_604_Arriving at the bivy col, with Mt Triumph in the horizon
silviabak: 33_IMG_20240809_005144_367_Resting my feet and legs at the bivy site above second Thornton Lake
silviabak: 34_IMG_5028_Mt Triumph from the bivy col, photo courtesy of Ivy Tian
silviabak: 34_IMG_20240809_005755_508_Interesting bubbles in the little stream by the bivy site
silviabak: 35_IMG_20240809_005803_017_Interesting bubbles at the bottom of the little stream at the bivy site
silviabak: 36_IMG_20240809_014900_685_Dinner time at the bivy site
silviabak: 38_IMG_20240809_015145_846_I had to haul this big plastic canister for storing the food from wild animals
silviabak: 39_VID_20240809_021600_And infact there are cute wild animals around the bivy site looking for food
silviabak: 42_VID_20240809_022224_Sun setting on Mt Triumph, seen from the bivy col