silviabak: DSCF3500_Christina in her mummy bag at Kaslo Lake
silviabak: DSCF3501_Morning view from inside the tent
silviabak: DSCF3502_Christina and I waking up at Kaslo Lake
silviabak: DSCF3508_Grabbing the food in the bear cache at Kaslo Lake campground
silviabak: DSCF3509_Grabbing the food in the bear cache at Kaslo Lake campground
silviabak: DSCF3510_Grabbing the food in the bear cache at Kaslo Lake campground
silviabak: DSCF3511_Cooking shelter at Kaslo Lake campground
silviabak: DSCF3514_Boulderfield above the ACC cabin
silviabak: IMG_2972_Going down Tanal Peak and looking at our targets, Granite Knob and Mt Retallack
silviabak: IMG_2973_Mt Robert Smith and Boomerang Mt
silviabak: IMG_2974_Christina on Tanal Peak
silviabak: DSCF3521_Going down Tanal Peak and looking at our targets, Granite Knob and Mt Retallack
silviabak: DSCF3526_At the Col below Granite Peak, looking North at the Keen Creek Valley
silviabak: IMG_2981_Christina at the Col below Granite Knob with Kokanee Glacier in the background
silviabak: DSCF3527_Arriving on the summit of Granite Knob
silviabak: IMG_2978_Going down Tanal Peak and looking at our targets, Granite Knob and Mt Retallack
silviabak: IMG_2985_Jeff at the top of Granite Knob with Mt Retallack in the background
silviabak: IMG_2987_Me on Granite Knob, Kokanee Glacier Park, with Mt Retallack in the background
silviabak: IMG_2988_Christina on Granite Knob seen from the slope to Mt Retallack
silviabak: DSCF3530_Kokanee Glacier and Granite Knob from the slope to Mt Retallack
silviabak: DSCF3533_Getting up to the final ridge to the top of Mt Retallack, looking towards Granite Knob and Kokanee Glacier
silviabak: DSCF3538_After a long long ridge I am finally getting to the top of Mt Retallack,
silviabak: DSCF3540_Ladybug on Mt Retallack
silviabak: DSCF3549_Valhallas seen from Mt Retallack
silviabak: IMG_2993_Jeff and I on Mt Retallack, Christina waited for us at the col to Granite Knob
silviabak: DSCF3553_View towards Kokanee Glacier from Mt Retallack
silviabak: MVI_2998_360degrees view from the summit of Mt Retallack
silviabak: IMG_3000_View towards Kokanee Glacier from Mt Retallack
silviabak: IMG_3003_View North West from Mt Retallack
silviabak: IMG_3004_Me on Mt Retallack