silviabak: DSCF3477_Crossing the BOB in Nelson
silviabak: DSCF3478_Putting wire around the car to prevent the porcupines from chewing the tire rubber_Parking lot for the Kokanee Lake hike
silviabak: DSCF3479_Putting wire around the car to prevent the porcupines from chewing the tire rubber_Parking lot for the Kokanee Lake hike
silviabak: DSCF3480_Putting wire around the car to prevent the porcupines from chewing the tire rubber_Parking lot for the Kokanee Lake hike
silviabak: IMG_2890_Heading to Kaslo Lake
silviabak: IMG_2891_Bear sighting warning on the Kokanee Lake trail
silviabak: IMG_2892_Christina and Jeff at the Kokanee Lake Trailhead
silviabak: IMG_2894_Ridge above the Kokanee Lake trail
silviabak: IMG_2895_We saw many of these chubby Gophers
silviabak: IMG_2897_Christina on the Kokanee Lake trail
silviabak: IMG_2905_Jeff resting at Kokanee Lake
silviabak: IMG_2906_Kokanee Lake
silviabak: DSCF3482_Trail above Kokanee Lake
silviabak: DSCF3483_Jeff crossing Kokanee Pass and heading to Garland Lake
silviabak: DSCF3484_Meadow past Kokanee Pass, heading to Garland Lake
silviabak: IMG_2915_Christina and Jeff at Kaslo Lake in Kokanee Glacier Park
silviabak: IMG_2917_ACC Kokanee Glacier Park Cabin
silviabak: IMG_2927_Jeff and Christina on the back balcony of the ACC Kokanee Glacier Park Cabin
silviabak: IMG_2929_Historic Slocan Cabin
silviabak: MVI_2931_Visiting the Historic Slocan Cabin
silviabak: IMG_2932_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin
silviabak: IMG_2933_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin
silviabak: IMG_2934_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin
silviabak: IMG_2936_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin in Kokanee Glacier Park
silviabak: IMG_2937_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin in Kokanee Glacier Park
silviabak: IMG_2938_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin in Kokanee Glacier Park
silviabak: IMG_2939_Museum inside the historic Slocan Cabin in Kokanee Glacier Park
silviabak: IMG_2943_Reflections at sunset on Kaslo Lake
silviabak: IMG_2948_Me, Jeff and Christina at Kaslo Lake Campground_Kokanee Glacier Park
silviabak: IMG_2953_Me, Jeff and Christina at Kaslo Lake Campground_Kokanee Glacier Park